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4 Reasons You Should Consider When Migrating a Monolithic Application To Microservices

4 Reasons You Should Consider When Migrating a Monolithic Application To Microservices

When it comes to building and maintaining a software application, one of the biggest decisions that teams have to make is whether to use a monolithic or microservices architecture. While both have their pros and cons, there are certain situations where migrating from a monolith to microservices may be a better choice. Below, we'll explain the four main reasons you should consider when developing a new application or improving an existing one.


One of the most common reasons for migrating to microservices is scalability. As an application grows and becomes more complex, it can become increasingly difficult to make changes or add new features to a monolithic architecture. With microservices, each service can be developed and deployed independently, allowing for much greater scalability and flexibility.


Another reason to migrate to microservices is the ability to use different technologies for different services, hence, flexibility. A monolithic architecture typically requires all services to be written in the same language and use the same framework, whereas with microservices, each service can be built using the best technology for the job. This can lead to faster development times and better performance.


Testing huge monolithic applications can be hell. Hence, another common reason to move to microservices is the ability to deploy and test services independently. Monolithic applications are deployed as a single unit, which means that even if only one service has a problem, the entire application may be affected. Microservices, on the other hand, can be deployed and tested independently, reducing the risk of problems and downtime.

Also, independence directly improves the fault tolerance of the system. In monolithic systems, a failure in one part of the system can cause the entire system to fail. Microservices architecture allows for different services to be developed and deployed independently, which means that a failure in one service will not affect the other services.


Finally, it's important to consider the team size and expertise when deciding to migrate to microservices. Monolithic architecture is typically easier to understand and maintain for small teams and those with less experience in microservices. However, as the team grows and becomes more experienced, the advantages of microservices may outweigh the ease of use of a monolithic architecture. And what's the ideal team size? Well, for that answer, you should check this other blog post. Spoiler: you can start earlier than you thought.

In conclusion, while monolithic architecture is a good choice for small and simple applications, as an application grows in complexity and usage, migrating to microservices may be a better option. The key benefits of microservices are scalability, technology diversity, independent deployment and testing, improved fault tolerance, and better suitability for large and experienced teams. It's important to weigh the pros and cons of each architecture and make a decision that is best for your specific application and team.

Need help scaling an application, or building a new one from the ground up? At Ikigai, we can help you develop your tech projects with a team of experts specialized in every step, from idea to product. Get in touch and we'll show you how!

December 5, 2022
Manoel Feliciano
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